About me

Hi there, 

Were you wondering who I am..? If so you've come to the right place, here's a little bit about me. 

I am a country bumpkin, currently living and working in London. I love to eat, I love to cook and I especially love to feed people. I think the love really stems from my mum, who, by the way, is a wonderful cook. Her patience is seemingly endless and she has more energy and spirit than all of us (daughters) put together. It was her that effortlessly ensured the masses were fed and watered when they descended upon our small household on special occasions and most Sundays. It was she who would let me eat half the biscuit dough before it got anywhere near the oven. It is her endless support, creativity and tenacity that has inspired these writings here ( so thanks mum). Thanks for making me a fan of food glorious food (!) and an explorer of all things edible.

Through this blog I'm hoping to channel inspiration and my love of food and translate it into better home-cooked meals with only a little more effort and hopefully inspire you along the way too. There will be recipes, general foodie musings, the odd restaurant experience, cookbook mentions and a little food whimsy as well.

If you have any comments please feel free to get in contact, I would love to hear from you :) Email: Rosiepeachblog@hotmail.co.uk

Thanks for stopping by and hopefully I'll see you around here again soon.



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