Sunday 25 December 2011

Christmas Clementine Brandy Butter

A Merry Christmas to ya! Here's a little quick one to add just a smidge more Christmas spirit to your pud... Beautiful Brandy Butter. Brandy first came to England in the 17th century, where it was instantly adored, and not just by those who drank it. Governments saw it as a profitable source of revenue through customs duty and Cornish fishing ports saw it as prime cargo to smuggle. Throughout the country brandy butter became a well loved compliment to the Christmas pud and mince pies and is also fab served melting atop of other hot puddings. This recipe isn't especially heavy on the brandy so if you like a bigger kick, sacrifice the Clementine juice for more booze.

4 oz soft butter
3 tablespoons unrefined icing sugar
1 or 2 tablespoons of brandy
The finely grated zest and about 1 tablespoon of the juice of a Clementine
The zest of an orange and a lemon, finely grated
Beat all the ingredients together thoroughly in a large bowl until pale and fluffy (with a lekkie hand whisk if you have one). It'll take a while to come together, but stick with it, it will.

Friday 23 December 2011

Roasted chicken, pumpkin and red onion salad with sun-blush tomatoes, crumbled pecans & black sesame seeds

Ah the joy of left overs. This isn't quite a recipe, but more an amalgamation. A coming together of odds and sods from yesterdays roast and store cupboard staples. The leaf is what Tesco call "Bistro salad", then there's left over roast chicken, pumpkin and red onion, a few sun blush tomatoes, toasted pecans, black sesame seeds a spot of olive oil and some drips of balsamic vinegar. Very yummy indeed :).

Monday 5 December 2011

Chorizo & Cherry tomato pasta

Fridge is kinda full of nothing.. Got some slices of Chorizo lurking in there though.. And a few almost overripe tomatoes hanging around.. Time for some superhero-stylee transformation. Tonight these 2 mild mannered malingerers have become something rather special. No need for a radioactive spider nor telephone box. Consider this recipe the super hero dressing chamber, where your spicy sausage is catapulted to super-sausage greatness. Without even a hint of spandex in sight (disappointingly)!
Half a red onion, finely sliced
1 dessert spoonful of olive oil
A little knob of butter
10 skinny slices of Chorizo, roughly chopped
1 clove of garlic, finely sliced
Half a teaspoon of dried mixed herbs
A handful of Cherry tomatoes, halved (or 1 large tomato, chunked)
Salt and pepper to taste.
Pasta (enough to quench your appetite)
Finely grated cheddar
Get the pasta on in a big pan of water over a medium heat and cook according to the instructions on the pack. About half way through (if you're boiling dried pasta) chuck in a frozen spinach brick.
Meanwhile, sweat your onion in the oil, butter and a pinch of salt over a medium high heat, until just starting to brown (3-4 mins). Chuck in the Chorizo and fry until brown at the edges and turning crispy (3-4 mins). Turn the heat down slightly and add in the garlic, dried herbs and tomatoes. Fry for a further 4 mins. Season to taste. 
Drain and plate the pasta and spinach, grate a bit of cheddar over the top and cover in the chorizo and cherry tomato sauce.
Feeds 1. Prep time 3 mins. Cooking time 12 mins.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Feel better soon soup

This is a wonderful soup if you're feeling a touch under the weather. Jam-packed full of immune boosting ingredients, you'll be hard pressed to find yourself an easier and more healthful 1 pot meal. If you have a few shreds of chicken lying around chuck that in here too; a diced red chili and a few crushed peanuts would also be very happy additions.
400ml Chicken stock
Half an onion, finely sliced
A small clove of garlic, crushed
A half inch knob of ginger, grated
2 small carrots, peeled and sliced really thin
2 nests of brown rice noodles
A hand full of (frozen) sweetcorn 
A handful of (frozen) peas
A handful of (frozen) bean sprouts
A tablespoon of sesame oil
The juice and zest of half a lime
A tablespoon of soy sauce
A good handful of coriander, roughly chopped
A few snips of chives
A teaspoon of sesame seeds (I used the black ones)
A little bit of pickled ginger, if ya fancy
Heat the stock in a large pan and bring up to a gentle simmer. Add in the onion, garlic, ginger, carrots (Use the veg peeler to create really thin slices), oil and soy. Allow to simmer for 5 mins, or until the carrot is just tender. Prep the noodles according to the instructions on the pack, chuck the frozen veg into the pan, and add in the noodles when they're ready. Bring back to the boil and add in the lime, herbs, seeds and top with a pinch of pickled ginger and a slice of lime. Serve immediately.
Prep time 5 mins. Cooking time 10 mins. Serves 2.