Monday 10 December 2012

Blueberry, Beetroot & Pomegranate Smoothie

I am scared. Scared of change, of risk, of not meeting expectations, of letting you down, of not being about to cover costs, of losing (the dog, my keys, you, our home, the collective marbles) and of suddenly being naked in public. I am scared but I will never ever let the fear make my choices. That counts for all of the above, apart from the latter which forces me to carry spare undies with me wherever I go! The future is uncertain no matter how settled you are, there is always something that will trundle up behind you and clock you right in the bonce and send you hurtling into uncertainty. Please wake up out of the mental breakdown-age and realise it doesn't have to be so negative. Everything is going to be great.. It just may take some time to get to great. Sometimes things are difficult but anything worth having is hard to get and once we get there (and we will!) we'll appreciate it all the more because of the journey. Lets face it the ride so far has been pretty sweet, its about time we hit a bump!

This is a smoothie for taking on the world. Vitamin packed, unusually delicious and ridiculously purple (the photos don't do it justice).

You will need:
1 handful of Blueberries ( fresh or frozen)
1 cooked & peeled beetroot (not pickled!)
1 cup of Pomegranate juice (or enough juice to make it up to about 400 ml all in)
A squish of Lime if you have one

BLEND!! Blend like a crazy person, or not, up to you :) Decant and D-rink.

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