Sunday 14 August 2011


It’s awfully quiet out there. If you are there, dear reader, why not stay a while? Pull up a pew and have a look around. With a bit of luck you might even like what you see. Though for me this is unknown territory, and possibly perilous ground I hope I can at the very least, make you glad you stopped by.

So then, the premise; the mission; the very foundations upon which this blog will be built…Just to remove any remnant of mystery or ambiguity…My aims, in not entirely uncertain terms are …

To cultivate the creativity I used to let roar!

To eat better, more interesting and at least sometimes healthier but easy meals every day and share the recipes here.

To celebrate the things I make, even if they are a complete disaster, because at least I have tried and that after all is a start.

To master the full and well structured sentence – a la Nigella.

To shake the infamous block of the writer's variety and the greyish tinge which has been slowly imparted upon my soul by my desk job.

To share my general enthusiasm for food with someone. Anyone? Everyone!

So, in a nutshell...Here you will find recipes, general foodie musings, the odd restaurant experience might creep in, probably numerous cookbook mentions, tales of food fancy and hopefully a little cooking inspiration.

Yes. Yet another food blog. But this one will be different. No, honest.

This is the Cliché paragraph, so please skip ahead if you have a low tolerance level. (I’m saying it , because I want you to know, and you look like the type of person that will only judge me a little)... I love to cook. Almost as much as I love to eat and in the future I promise to read more, cook better, experiment and take more care about what I shovel into my gob. And so this is the evidence. The means to keep me on track. Food is pretty important after all. There's not many things we do at least 3 times a day.

Here we are then, at the beginning and if you’re out there dear reader, please feel free to visit me every now and then – I’d love to see you around.

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