Saturday 24 September 2011

Fancy fruit with yoghurt, speedy berry compote, pistachio nuts, black sesame seeds and coconut

Not really a recipe, just a lot of fruit thrown together and a super simple berry compote chucked over the top. But it looked pretty, so I thought I'd put it up (and my mum, can rest safe in the knowledge that I get some vitamins).

In here, you will find...
1 pear, 2 plums, half an orange, a generous blob of plain Greek yoghurt, berry compote (a hand full of frozen berries, cooked for about a minute, in 20 sec bursts in the microwave from frozen, then mashed with a fork and a squish of honey), chopped raw pistachio nuts, black sesame seeds and a little sprinkle of dessicated coconut. Not a bad breakfast really.

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