Tuesday 20 September 2011

Nigel Slater's Pumpkin pan fry

Anticlimax, I believe is the correct description. Looked good, but tasted so meh! I think I ruined it by grilling the bread crumbs so that they were crispy. Had they had some softness, it would have probably have been a lot more edible. I adapted the recipe from Nigel Slater, (Pumpkin Pan fry). I cant fault the man for his food passion and ingenuity for making the most of leftovers and I must admit I usually do love love love Mr Slater's recipes, but this one just didn't do it for me. I just cant really get my head around bread crumbs as a meal. I'm trying to be open minded and I really want to like it, but I cant, I'm sorry Nigel. But, hey, you cant win them all. It's like tripe, I really want to like it, but then there's the texture and that weird taste that congers images of cow-pats. Anyway, I digress, (and if you're not peckish now, see a doctor, I suspect there may be something wrong with you!), to conclude, not a winner, but here's the recipe, just in case you're curious.

300g Butternut squash, peeled, de-seeded and cut into inch-ish chunks
1 red onion, top and tailed and cut into quarters
Olive oil
4 rashers of streaky bacon
A handful of fresh thyme leaves
2 small garlic cloves, squashed
A knob of butter
Half a Rye loaf, blitzed in a food processor to course crumbs
A handful of pine nuts, toasted
A few cherry tomatoes, halved
Salt & pepper

Place the squash, onion & garlic in a roasting tin, drizzle over olive oil, season and roast in a preheated oven at 180oC for about 30 mins, or until the squash is softened and brown around the edges. Set aside.
Fry the bacon with the butter in a large pan over a medium-high heat until crispy. 
Finely chop the roasted garlic and add this to the pan. Stir. 
Add in the bread crumbs, pine nuts, roasted veg and tomatoes and fry until the tomatoes have relaxed (and by that I mean, they are starting to release their skins) and the bread crumbs have absorbed all the cooking juices. 
Sprinkle in the fresh thyme and serve immediately.
Serves 2. Prep time 10 mins. Cooking time 45 mins. Tasty rating 2*.

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