Sunday 11 September 2011

Fry up!

The perfect antidote to the Sunday morning slump. Not especially exciting but very VERY satisfying. Grilled bacon & tomatoes, mushrooms fried in butter & dried herbs & a fried egg. 
Handy hinty no 1..Chuck a lid on your pan when your frying the egg, it'l cook way quicker and more evenly.
Handy hinty no 2... How to check if your eggs are still good (mine was a week past its sell by date - but still good). Put the suspect egg in a glass of water, if it sinks and stays there, it's a goody. If its a floater, don't put it anywhere near your mouth. Rule for life really.
This is because an egg has a pocket of air in its big end and as the egg ages, the gas increases, meaning it becomes more buoyant. So, if you submerge a fresh egg, it'l sink quickly and sit at the bottom. A week-old egg will sink to the bottom but bob around a little there. A 3 week old egg will balance on its small end at the bottom and a bad egg floats.

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